The Entrance to McKamey Manor (image credit: McKamey Manor)
The Entrance to McKamey Manor (image credit: McKamey Manor)

Readers of this blog understand that Habig & Magoon Insurance Agency can find an insurance angle – a business of insurance angle – in almost any issue or aspect of society.

Indeed, insurance has an impact on … or is connected to … almost all that we do.

And, in that Habig & Magoon Insurance Agency, always independent and family owned, has been in business for close to 80 years, we have are familiar directly, or are aware of and educated on, just about every type of insurance event or circumstance.

It’s no surprise that we hunted down – for a Halloween post – stories and information on holiday and its ties and relevance to insurance.

If you click here you will be taken to a story that posted today at Fast Company, titled, “Running A Haunted House is Scarier Than You Think.”

Written by KC Ifeanyi, the article tells the story of Russ McKamey and his challenges and tribulations in running the famed and notorious haunted house, McKamey Manor, in San Diego, which subjects visitors to the intense form of scary

Yes, if you venture into McCamey Manor you could, among other frightening experiences, get tied up, or dunked in a tank of eels, or both – and then there are the hands that grab you.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

Before stepping foot inside [McKamey Manor], participants are required to sign a 10-page waiver, have notes from a doctor and a psychiatrist assuring peak physical and mental health, and they must go through a thorough background check. And even if someone successfully checks everything off McKamey’s laundry list, there’s still a slim-to-none chance that person will ever go through the manor because according to McKamey’s last count, the waiting list is 27,000-people deep.”

So, as you can see, Mr. McKamey is keenly and highly focused on liability, and protecting himself against lawsuits.

In fact, one of Mr. McKamey’s operating expenses – as explained in the article is spending “somewhere between $15,000-20,000 per year on specialty insurance from Lloyd’s of London.”

That specialty insurance policy is a smart investment, believe us – and we feel the more you will agree the more you learn about McKamey Manor (we encourage you to conduct a web search of the term “McKamey Manor”).

Happy Halloween!!


image credit  The R Street Institute
image credit The R Street Institute

October 28, 2015

Habig & Magoon Insurance Agency has been serving the people and businesses of southeastern Massachusetts for almost 80 years.     

And continuously, since we open our doors on Clifton Avenue in Brockton in 1937, we have been independent and family owned. We have always been involved and invested in, and giving to, the community in which we are located and do business, and which makes possible not just our success, but our very existence – for enabling us to first open our doors, during the Great Depression, no less – not the most hospitable environment for a new business – and which allows to keep the doors open.

In that we are independent, and thereby are able to create and customize coverage and policies from several valued insurance companies, and in that we are located in and active in the community we serve, we are better able to offer more personalized service and products than big box insurance companies that offer offer only their own policies.

As well, our ties to the community, and the strong relationships we forge with our customers, allow us deep insight into, and broad view of, just how important having the right insurance and right coverage is to the total financial security of an individual and family.

For example, auto insurance on your vehicle is to protect you for for theft of the vehicle, or damage to the vehicle, and for losses you or others sustain if your vehicle is involved in an accident.

And it is important to take a look at, as is the case with other forms of insurance, the big picture concerning what can result from having, or not having, the proper and right insurance coverage on your car, truck, van, motorcycle, or scooter in the event of an accident.

If you are are found at fault in an accident, and a plaintiff successfully sues you, then a considerable amount and type of your assets could be subject to confiscation, and being secured by the courts to satisfy a judgment.

This is a primary reason it is so important that your auto policy carries sufficient liability coverage.

Whether you are one of our customers, or not, Habig & Magoon Insurance Agency is available and happy to talk with you in person, over the phone, or online about your auto insurance.

Rest assured that through listening and asking questions, through discussion, we develop for you an auto policy that will properly cover and protect you and your family.