
January 14, 2015 

Among the principles and values that Habig & Magoon Insurance Agency holds most dear – and practices with thorough and continuous fidelity – is community.

Indeed, the genesis of our business is helping to take care of the local community. Our roots go back to the 1930s and a grocery store in Brockton, MA where store proprietor, Fred Magoon, offered his customers advice on investments and insurance.

This grocery store was the precursor to the insurance agency that Fred Magoon founded (in the wake of a fire that destroyed the store) in 1937.

We have been in business for close to 80 years. Always family owned, and in our fourth generation, we are tied tight to the community. Our ownership and our employees, and their families, live in the Boston metropolitan south region.

We are honored and gratified, and privileged to serve, customers whose parents and grandparents were also our customers.

We know our clients, and work with them, in a way that it is difficult for big box insurance providers to duplicate. From year to year, decade to decade, our clients have been served by the same Habig & Magoon people.

Our customers are our neighbors and our friends.

Habig & Magoon Insurance Agency gives to local causes, benefits, and organizations. We actively participate in and volunteer with groups that benefit society.

For us is it absolutely true that Habig & Magoon Insurance Agency is more than the way we make a living – for it also the way we make a life.




January 7, 2015

Life insurance is a major consideration for married couples with children.  This type of insurance is, in many ways, a convention of married life coexistent with parenthood.

It is almost a given that one or both spouses in a marriage, who have children, have life insurance coverage.  In fact, most married couples don’t begin to start a family without a life insurance policy in place.

But it is also important for single parents with children who are minors to have life insurance.

Yet most single parents don’t have life insurance – even though there are many valuable and affordable options.

Yesterday, at its site, Motley Fool published a story, titled, “A Huge Single Parent Mistake: No Life Insurance.”

Included in the story, which was written by Selena Maranjian, were the following statistics that were pulled from a study conducted by the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business and Genworth Financial.

  • 69% of single parents with children living at home carry no life insurance.
  • 79% of unmarried men who don’t own homes, earn less than $250,000, and have children in the household are not insured.
  • Single moms are more likely to be insured than single dads but are still more likely to not have insurance than to have it.
  • The low rates of coverage were found in most income levels, not just among those on tighter budgets.
  • The more children there were in the household, the less likely it was for the parent to be insured. 

Please click here to be taken to the full story.

If you are a single parent who needs life insurance, Habig & Magoon Insurance Agency can customize and tailor for you an affordable policy that will provide you with highly valuable coverage at a valued price.

In that Habig & Magoon is an independent insurance agency, representing several highly reputable and long established insurance companies, we are better able to deliver affordable policies with exceptional coverage than are the big box insurance corporations that sell only their own policies.

Protecting individuals, families, businesses, and property is what Habig & Magoon Insurance Agency does – and what we have been doing very well … since 1937.


(image credit: Commonwealth of Massachusetts)
(image credit: Commonwealth of Massachusetts)

December 4, 2014

Habig & Magoon Insurance Agency – always family owned and serving the people and businesses of southeastern Massachusetts (and beyond) for close to 80 years – provides and services three segments of insurance products: personalcommercial, and life.    

Today, for a Throwback Thursday post, we decided going way, way back, 158 years, to 1856, when Massachusetts – the state in which Habig & Magoon, and most of the people, properties, and businesses insured through the policies we provide, are located – played a pioneering role in establishing and fortifying the insurance industry.

It was in 1856 that Massachusetts established the first state department of insurance for the purposes of supervising the industry. This department oversaw and guaranteed the operational and financial soundness of the business of insurance in the commonwealth, protected consumers, and built the level of trust and confidence the public had in purchasing insurance.

In 1859, New York became the second state to found a department of insurance.